From humble beginnings to becoming the richest of the rich, these remarkable individuals have not only amassed wealth but also left a trail of generosity for their surroundings.
Prepare to be mesmerized and inspired by the incredible journey of Borneo's richest.

Abdul Rasyid, Central Kalimantan's Original Palm Oil Entrepreneur
The name Abdul Rasyid may still be relatively unfamiliar to all Indonesians. But for the people of Kalimantan, Abdul Rasyid's name is well known throughout the region.His success in the business world proves that success in the business world is not only for the descendants of Chinese people, but also for the native sons of Kalimantan.
Abdul Rasyid, who was born in Pembuang Hulu Village - Seruyan Regency, was included in the list of the 50 richest people in Indonesia in 2018, with a total wealth at that time of 600 million dollars. He achieved this success through his efforts and hard work in developing his company in the field of oil palm plantations, Citra Borneo Indah (CBI), which is based in Pangkalan Bun - Central Kalimantan. Thanks to PT CBI that he initiated, thousands of job vacancies for the community were opened.
Besides being known to be successful in the business world, Abdul Rasyid is also known to be a philanthropist. There have been many stories from the community about his figure who is diligent in giving alms, both during religious momentum by sharing zakat to the story of his figure who often shares when meeting pilgrims from Kalimantan in the Holy Land of Mecca.

Haji Isam is a coal mining entrepreneur in South Kalimantan
Besides Haji Abdul Rasyid, Kalimantan also has another richest person and national entrepreneur named Haji Isam. This figure, whose full name is Andi Syamsuddin Arsyad, is an entrepreneur in the fields of coal mining, port services, air transportation services, high seas loading and unloading, agricultural businesses, security services, and infrastructure and manufacturing.The man born on January 1, 1977 is also known as Crazy Rich Kalimantan. The wealth of Jhonlin Group owner Haji Isam, who now resides in Batu Licin, South Kalimantan, is spread across various parts of Indonesia, including a house that stands like a palace on a large area of land.
Haji Isam has also built many facilities in South Kalimantan, one of which is an international standard hospital called Marina Permata Hospital which was built in Tanah Bumbu in 2014.
Started as a truck driver and motorcycle taxi driver
Who would have thought that Haji Isam's career actually started as a truck driver transporting wood, and has now become an entrepreneur engaged in land, sea and aviation businesses. Another source also said, before his success, Haji Isam also worked odd jobs, ranging from cutting down trees and loading laborers to becoming a motorcycle taxi driver. Today, Haji Isam's wealth is estimated to exceed 1 trillion rupiah or around 66 thousand dollars. Haji Isam's hard work and struggle shows the true meaning of the long process of becoming the richest person.Haji Isam's entire business was not inherited from his parents. It was all achieved through hard and strenuous efforts. Haji Isam is an entrepreneur who started his business career from scratch in the overseas land. He then became an employee of a coal businessman of Chinese descent - Surabaya. This is where he began his career in the coal industry. Haji Isam then ventured to start his own business instead of continuing to depend on others.
Companies owned by Haji Isam include PT Jhonlin Group. Namely PT Jhonlin Baratama, PT Jhonlin Marine and Shipping and PT Jhonlin Air Transport. Through PT Jhonlin Baratama alone, Haji Isam can mine up to 400,000 tons of coal per month, with a monthly turnover of up to 40 billion rupiah.
A Luxury House Like a Palace
The house where Haji Isam lives looks like a sultan's palace, rather than an ordinary house. The house is surrounded by shady trees and a clean river, making it look very beautiful. Other sources also mention that Haji Isam has a private villa on Samber Gelap Island, South Kalimantan.Because of its size, Haji Isam had to make a special road from the gate to his house. The road connecting the front gate with his house was later named Jalan Haji Isam.
When entering Haji Isam's house, we will see a gate that looks cooler than the Regency gate. The construction of this gate is similar to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. The gate is surrounded by tall pillars.
When entering the area of Haji Isam's house, we will see a gate to enter the house area that looks cooler than the Regency gate. The construction of this gate is similar to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. This gate is surrounded by tall pillars.
For more details, you can take a look at the map photo of Haji Isam's house area below.

Generous to Many People
In addition to having a workshop like a car factory, around his yard there is also a helicopter landing site. Haji Isam also owns a magnificent mosque in Tanah Bumbu. The mosque is called Al Falah Batulicin Mosque and covers an area of 1.6 hectares. The mosque building has a Middle Eastern theme by combining various elements typical of South Kalimantan on both sides of the building.Haji Isam was not only a racing enthusiast, but also a very generous person. Haji Isam is rumored to have sent 250 teachers from SMP Negeri Mentewe (Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan) to go on Umrah. Haji Isam is also rumored to have lent his private jet to be used by the late Ustadz Arifin Ilham when he traveled to Penang, Malaysia for treatment.

Iwan Sunito is a successful property entrepreneur from Borneo in Australia
Iwan Sunito is the CEO and Co-Founder of Crown Group. A property company that has successfully sold hundreds of apartment units across Australia and America. He is the first Bornean and Indonesian to be awarded the Ernts & Young Entrepreneur award in Australia.Iwan Sunito grew up in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan. After completing his junior high school, he continued his education in Surabaya, until at the age of 18 he went to school in Sydney, Australia.
This was challenging for him because during his schooling in Indonesia, he was a student who did not have outstanding achievements and could even be said to be a wayward child. Iwan then studied architectural design at the University of New South Wales. He graduated with honors and continued his master's degree.
He started his career as an architectural employee at Cox Richardson, an architectural firm in Australia. Then he thought of running his own business instead of working as an employee. So in 1996, together with his friend Paul Sathio, Crown Group was founded. Crown Group succeeded with a series of successful projects until now Iwan has expanded from Australia to America.
Iwan is also an admirer of Ciputra, Pak Ci for him is an extraordinary mentor. He is also active in nurturing the talents of young people as an international speaker in the business world both in Australia and in Indonesia.
Iwan Sunito is an inspiration for many people, he does not hesitate to share with anyone about being successful. He also hopes that all Kalimantan young people can be more successful and useful for many people.
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