
Abdul Rasyid, the Generous Billionaire from Borneo

Abdul Rasyid Sang Milyarder dari Tanah Kalimantan yang Dermawan

The name Abdul Rasyid may still be relatively unfamiliar to all Indonesians. But for the people of Kalimantan, Abdul Rasyid's name is well known throughout the region.His success in the business world proves that success in the business world is not only for the descendants of Chinese people, but also for the native sons of Kalimantan.

Abdul Rasyid Profile

Abdul Rasyid, who was born in Pembuang Hulu Village - Seruyan Regency, was included in the list of the 50 richest people in Indonesia in 2018, with a total wealth at that time of 600 million dollars. He achieved this success through his efforts and hard work in developing his company in the field of oil palm plantations, Citra Borneo Indah (CBI), which is based in Pangkalan Bun - Central Kalimantan. Thanks to PT CBI that he initiated, thousands of job vacancies for the community were opened.

Besides being known to be successful in the business world, Abdul Rasyid is also known to be a philanthropist. There have been many stories from the community about his figure who is diligent in giving alms, both during religious momentum by sharing zakat to the story of his figure who often shares when meeting pilgrims from Kalimantan in the Holy Land of Mecca.

Also watch Haji Abdul Rasyid profile video below :
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